The INSPIRE Parent Support Organization (PSO) is part of our non-profit group, managing most of the season's fundraisers. Participation in these fundraisers is entirely voluntary, allowing you to select the ones that best suit your needs. Funds raised can be credited directly to your performer's account and used for various fees throughout the year.
Fundraising Opportunities:
Individual Fundraisers:
Your dancer can sell items, such as fruit or discount cards, with a portion of the earnings going into their personal PSO account. The percentage earned varies with each fundraiser and will be detailed at the time.
General PSO Fundraisers:
A few fundraisers contribute directly to the General PSO Fund, benefiting all performers and supporting events requiring upfront costs. Examples include flower sales at Nutcracker/recital performances and restaurant nights. Parent volunteers are always welcome for these events.
In the past, the General Fund has covered expenses like Suns entry tickets, new equipment, studio flooring, Nutcracker shirts, and team wear.
Fry’s Community Rewards:
This program allows each dancer to earn funds by having friends and family enroll in Fry’s Community Rewards at no cost to them. Funds are earned as they shop at Fry’s. Further enrollment details will be provided soon.
Account Management:
After fundraisers, credits are applied to your performer's PSO account. The front desk keeps your account balance updated, and you must inform them how to allocate funds. Funds cannot be used for monthly tuition, rec fees, rec costumes, or boutique items. Any unused funds upon leaving the studio will be transferred to the general scholarship fund and will not be paid in cash or check.
Usage of Funds:
Funds can be used for competition fees, company costume fees, master classes, summer camps, and more. All funds are tracked, so feel free to contact the front desk or email us to check your PSO account balance anytime.
Fry’s Community Rewards
The Kroger Family of Companies is dedicated to community engagement, positive social impact, and charitable giving both nationally and locally. We aim to partner with the communities we serve to help residents lead healthier lives.
Fry’s Community Rewards Program:
This program simplifies fundraising by donating to local organizations based on your everyday shopping at Fry’s. Here's how to get involved:
Create a Digital Account:
Link Your Card to an Organization:
Your chosen organization will appear in the Fry’s Community Rewards section of your account. You can review or change your selection in your Account details at any time.
Your Organization Earns:
Future purchases made with your linked Shopper’s Card will contribute to the program. Fry’s makes annual donations to participating organizations based on your spending percentage relative to the total spending of all participants.
You Earn:
When prompted via email, log into your account, take a screenshot of your earnings, and report them to PSO. The funds accumulated by you, your family, and friends will be added to your PSO account.
January: Citrus Delivery (NEW) Details forthcoming.
None scheduled. Please reach out to with any fundraiser ideas.
March: Harkins Summer Movie Fun
Season tickets for the 8-week program are $8 each.
Tickets are limited at each theatre location and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
Movies begin at 9:45am each weekday at participating locations.
Adults must be accompanied by children.
Movies are subject to change without notice
Information you will need to gather:
#of ticket packs,
Location, and Day. (please submit 2 options. orders will not be taken without 2 options.)
(8 tickets to a pack you can NOT buy individual tickets thru this fundraiser.)
Order forms are attached, please collect funds at the time of sale.
Order forms & funds must be turned into the front desk at the studio by the selected date NO LATER.
None scheduled. Please reach out to with any fundraiser ideas.
May: Recital Flowers
A signup genius is sent out with the following message:
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Those who sign up & help with flower sales will receive $10 per shift into their performers PSO account. If these funds aren’t used this season they will be kept in your account to be used next season. Thank you!
The shift you sign up for you will help wrap and sell flowers at the recitals. After the recitals, funds will be put into your PSO account.
The remaining funds help to buy the product (roses, ribbon, paper. ect.), profit goes into the general PSO fund.
None scheduled. Please reach out to with any fundraiser ideas.
None scheduled. Please reach out to with any fundraiser ideas.
August: Boost Cards
BOOST discount cards
You will sell the cards for $20 ($10 of which will be put in their PSO account.) After you have sold your cards, bring your funds to the studio front desk… When you have turned in the funds you will receive the cards.
(NO $ NO Cards!)
attached is a digital file that you can post to start selling your cards.
This fundraiser will run from now till …
Card will be available at the front desk starting …(select weeks)
(image changes every yr.)
August: 1st Round of fruit
September: 2nd Round of fruit
Each box sold earns you $5 towards your PSO account.
Orders are due to this email, by specified date. Please bring full payment, CASH OR CHECK to the Studio front desk by Wednesday evening as well.
When turning money in, please place it in a sealed envelope, with your performer’s name and total amount on it. Checks can be made out to “INPSIRE PSO”.
Please give to the front desk. Orders WILL NOT be placed if payment is not received by the 24th. We will only allow ONE check to be turned in per performer. If you are selling to multiple people, you are responsible for collecting their money and then turning in ONE final order and payment. Multiple checks will be returned back to you.
You are responsible for picking up and distributing your order. If you are selling to multiple people, you must pick up your entire order and distribute, please do not have people come on their own to pick up their fruit from the studio. Our front desk staff does not have the time to manage this process for you.
We expect delivery on or around … (give or take a day). We will email you when the fruit is in. Please plan to pick up your fruit as soon as you can on the day of delivery.
Your Name
Performer’s Name (the account receiving funds)
Email address to contact when fruit is ready
# of boxes of peaches, nectarines and/or pears needed
The farmer gives us the date for delivery based on when the fruit will be ready.
None scheduled. Please reach out to with any fundraiser ideas.
November: Harkins Cups & Popcorn
(The prices and rewards vary year to year.) I’m waiting on details for this year.
2022 Harkins Loyalty Cups – $7.00 each and you will receive $1.25 back in your PSO account for each cup sold. As a studio we must sell 50 in order to be able to purchase. You will receive a voucher that can then be taken to the theater to exchange for the cup and the first free drink.
2022 Harkins Popcorn Vouchers – $30 each, you will receive $6.00 back for each sold. Voucher is for a free medium popcorn at every visit for 2022. We must sell 25 as a studio.
All orders MUST be turned in on the attached form with payment attached by a specific date (some forms will be at the studio). NO orders will be taken via email. One check made out to INSPIRE PSO or cash will only be accepted. Orders will not be placed without payment. If we do not meet the minimum numbers you will be notified and money will be returned.
November: Swig cards(Soda/Cookies/Pretzels bites)
(The prices and rewards vary year to year.) I’m waiting on details for this year.
Swig drink cards – $26 each, you will receive $9.00 back for each sold. This card is good for 10- 44oz drinks, with any number of mix-ins.
Swig cookie cards – $19.50 each, you will receive $9.00 back for each sold. This card is good for 10- full sized cookies.
Swig pretzel bite cards – $26 each, you will receive $9.00 back for each sold. This card is good for 8 cups of pretzels WITH a sauce!
All orders MUST be turned in on the attached form with payment attached by a specific date (some forms will be at the studio). NO orders will be taken via email. One check made out to INSPIRE PSO or cash will only be accepted. Orders will not be placed without payment. If we do not meet the minimum numbers you will be notified and money will be returned.
December: Nutcracker Flowers
A signup genius is sent out with the following message:
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Those who sign up & help with flower sales will receive $10 per shift into their performers PSO account. If these funds aren’t used this season they will be kept in your account to be used next season. Thank you!
The shift you sign up for you will help wrap and sell flowers at the recitals. After the recitals, funds will be put into your PSO account.
The remaining funds help to buy the product (roses, ribbon, paper. ect.), profit goes into the general PSO fund.